
Our Academies are legendary – at least we think so!

We’ve two weekly Academies offering creative workshops focused on all aspects of performance making for unusual settings, indoors and out.

Experimenting, collaborating and problem-solving lie at the heart of each Academy, along with plenty of daft challenges and performance opportunities.

Everyone is welcome: dancers, skate-boarders, parkour-lovers, musicians, singers, photographers, inventors, story tellers, fixers, dreamers or just the curious.

Activities on offer

Movement making



Sound composition

Object and costume design

DJ-ing and music production

Film making

Writing for performance


The Lysaght Club, Old Cleeve

4.45 pm - 6.15 pm | Ages 6 - 12 & 13+


Porlock Village Hall

4.30 pm – 5.30 pm | Ages 5 - 7

5.30 pm – 6.45 pm | Ages 8 - 12 & 13+


Bursaries available

£5 / session

Find out more

“There’s a glimpse of the wisdom of the child and the innocence in the adult. And there is so much joy”

Charlie Morrissey
Academy Workshop Leader

Summer Academy

Every few years, we open up a Summer Academy.  Spread over three glorious days, kids are given the chance to fall in love with new skills, each other and their surroundings.

From circus tents to walled gardens, cellars to churchyards, each Academy inhabits spaces full of potential.

2018 Academy

In 2018, we asked the National Youth Dance Company to join our Summer Academy at New Place in Porlock. Here’s what happened.  

Film: James Olivo